Cash advance dilemmas It will be possible the management of Wonga played a task when you look at the surge in cash advance complaints, with people who thought these people were badly addressed attempting to claim settlement by whining to your ombudsman instead of Wonga’s administrators. In March auditors give Thornton, that are holding […]
Is Wonga a success from Google’s brand new pay day loan policy? 3 min read Google announced on Wednesday which they will never accept AdWords listings for pay day loan services and products from July 13th. Bing has defined them as loans which are repayable within 60 times of the date of problem. In the […]
Away from credit Wonga’s woes spell the end associated with payday-loan age But as short-term loan providers get under, Britain’s debt issue is growing IMPROVE Aug 30: soon after this short article ended up being posted Wonga stated it absolutely was placing it self into management. THE loss of Kane Sparham-Price arrived to symbolise all […]